SNES – #5 – Street Fighter II: Turbo

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Gameplay, Story and Value:

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Not gonna lie, I’m pretty over this era of Street Fighter games.

The gameplay is identical to Street Fighter II and Super Street Fighter II, but with a “Turbo” setting that puts its speed more in line with future Street Fighter games, including Alpha 2. It lacks the roster from Super and Alpha, however, and doesn’t really offer anything exciting other than its speed. All the expected features are here, and the fighting is still as tight as ever, so there’s really not much to complain about.

Presentation, Music and Sound:

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Visuals and audio are in every way identical to Street Fighter II and Super Street Fighter II. They old up well and still look fine. The iconic music tracks are all still a great listen, and the digitized sound effects still work.


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SF2 < SF2 Turbo <= Super SF2 < SF Alpha 2

I think that about sums it up. When it comes to “classic” Street Fighter II console games, the original is in every way the worst, while Super and Turbo make their own improvements but in different ways. I’d have loved a Super Street FIghter II Turbo to act as a definitive version on the Genesis or SNES, but it was not to be. No matter how you slice it though, I think Alpha 2 is just the better 16-bit Street Fighter to every extent.

Still, if you want to limit yourself to the classic roster and light fighting mechanics, you could do worse that Street Fighter II Turbo.


Street Fighter II Turbo

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